Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Stralia day/First day of school/everything else

Alright so lets see.....I have found a pretty awesome group of people that I have been hanging out with which is great because it is really starting to feel like home. We're all starting to become really close and it's really incredible to see how fast our relationships are growing.

We've pretty much done everything together for the last week and a half and I've absolutely loved it. Going to the beach has been absolutely great! O o O I totall forgot!!! I got stung by a Jellyfish!! I was so excited after it happened...I felt like a real Aussie!.....I got stung in Moroubra beach and I had a huge burn and inflation up my leg.

I've also gone rock climbing at the beaches and I celebrated Stralia day in fashion....we went to Bronte beach and it was the most beautiful place I've ever seen..... We went cliff jumping and I did a crazy sprint off the side of the cliff which was probably stupid but it was well worth the risk. The church has been great and I've really enjoyed being apart of it. Jad Gillies is apparently leading worship next week so I'm really excited and he is also a very cool guy.

I'm leaving tomorrow for our 18-25 retreat in which almost every studen't goes. Today was awesome and the first day of school was so much fun....I just can't believe I'm in school for playing/writing/creating music. The chapel before school was crazzy awesome and it kind of refueled my fire for leading worship and writing music. Right now I'm getting ready to try some Kangaroo...o and btw We made buddies with the Security Guard and whenever someone is moving out he is finding out what their not keeping (couches, tv's, other appliances) and giving them to us....we already got a 24 inch lcd t.v. , a dvd player, and a couch.....

I can't think of anything else right now but If I do I'll be back!!! LOVE YOU!


  1. It's good to hear you are being yourself, brother. Sweet story about the jellyfish. I'm not really envious, but I'm glad it happened to you. Really excited to hear about what you will be learning...Neil

  2. Dear Jordan,
    This is my 2nd attempt to reply to your blog :( so far no luck. I am excited to get to be a follower. Your blogs are great! I feel like I am talking to you...well almost.
    Love You bunches, Aunt Toni
